Why Does Acne Affect Teenagers More?

Acne is the most common skin condition that occurs in millions of teenagers. It is associated with clogged hair follicles with oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria. It results in inflammation and pimple formation, blackheads, and whiteheads. As per dermatologist, Dr. Rajdeep Mysore, who is known for providing the best acne treatment in Bangalore, shares that this condition is widely seen among teenagers and adults due to hormonal changes, genetics, or lifestyle changes. Here are the reasons why acne affects teenagers more: 

1. Hormonal Changes during Puberty: Hormonal changes during puberty are one of the main reasons for acne among teenagers. During puberty, the body undergoes various hormonal changes such as increases in androgens. This triggers the sebaceous glands in the skin to produce oils. Excessive production may result in clogged pores, leading to acne. The oil production by the glands is normal, but overproduction may cause acne breakouts. 

2. Genetic Predisposition: Genetic predisposition is another reason for acne breakouts in teenagers. Children also experience acne if their parents had acne during their teenagers. It causes excess sebum production that clogs the pores and leads to acne.

3. Increased Oil Production: Dr. Rajdeep Mysore, the Best Skin Specialist in Bangalore, also added that teenagers produce increased oil production naturally due to active sebaceous glands. It makes the bacteria-rich environment, particularly Propionibacterium acnes. These bacteria multiply and clog the hair follicles, allowing acne breakouts. It also stimulates the immune response that causes inflammation, redness, and swelling of acne lesions. 

4. Skin Cell Turnover: The process of skin cell turnover is less efficient in teenagers. Skin cell turnover is the process where the skin exfoliates dead skin cells and forms new cells. In teenagers, the skin is unable to shed the dead skin cells properly, allowing the building up of dead cells on the surface of the skin. It results in an increased risk of clogged pores. The inefficient shedding process along with the overproduction of sebum develops acne. Regular maintenance of the skin and good skincare products reduces the acne problem.

5. Lifestyle Factors: Lifestyles such as diet, stress, and skincare habits play a crucial role in the formation of acne in teenagers. Diets like processed foods, sugars, and dairy products influence acne formation. Excessive stress leads to increased production of cortisol, increased oil production and acne breakouts.

If you are the one who is dealing with acne and looking for effective acne treatment do visit Dr. Rajdeep Mysore at Charma Clinic. He is known for offering the best acne treatments that help one to achieve clear skin. Consult him today!

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