
Showing posts with the label Hair Transplant in Bangalore

What Makes One a Suitable Candidate for A Hair Transplant?

A hair transplant is a surgical hair restoration procedure where existing hair follicles are transferred to other regions with thin or no hair on the scalp. While there has been an increasing popularity for hair transplants, more and more individuals are successfully regaining their hairline and curing baldness. But, to be a suitable candidate for a hair transplant procedure, there are more prerequisites than just being bald. This is a major issue, but surgeons and patients also need to ensure several other things to make sure that it is the right procedure and will deliver the desired results. To give one a better indication of who makes a good candidate, here are some of the key elements shared by the expert hair surgeon of Charma Clinic that can affect one’s candidacy. The clinic is run by Dr. Rajdeep Mysore a renowned dermatologist. The clinic is renowned for providing the best Hair Transplant in Bangalore . Continue reading to learn more. 1. Hair Transplant and Age: Individuals a

Hair Transplantation: Advantages & Disadvantages

  Most individuals take their hair locks for granted until they are gone, just like their health. An apparent full head of hair, or at least one that is fuller, can often be restored for many people with a hair transplant. If somebody is suffering from thinning or going bald is distressing, hair transplant surgery can be one solution for them to feel more secure about their look. But first, consult with an experienced and expert hair doctor about what to expect from the procedure-the advantages and disadvantages of undergoing hair transplant surgery. To make one better understand, Dr. Rajdeep Mysore, founder of Charma Clinic, the clinic widely known for providing the best hair transplant in Bangalore , has shared some crucial insights into hair transplant surgery. Continue reading to learn about hair transplant surgery as well as the major benefits and drawbacks of this procedure. The skilled doctor makes a few points, including: A hair transplant is a procedure in which healthy hair

Follicular Unit Extraction: A Brief Introduction

Many people around the world suffer from distressing hair loss or hair fall concerns. Rapid or gradual hair loss is a frequent condition that causes pattern baldness, a receding hairline, or hair thinning (losing more than 50-100 hair strands daily). Although numerous factors can contribute to hair loss, androgenic alopecia, a hereditary condition that affects both men and women is among the most frequent. Hormonal imbalance, scalp infections, specific drugs, and skin issues are some additional potential causes. Individuals experiencing baldness feel self-conscious about their appearance and desire to regrow natural-looking, thick, beautiful hair. Dr. Rajdeep Mysore, at Charma Clinic offers the Best Hair Transplant in Bangalore and has helped many people get back a scalp full of hair. Read on for more insights shared by the expert dermatologist.  What is a Hair Transplant? Hair transplant is a surgical procedure in which hair follicles from healthy scalp regions are transplanted to ar

Best Hair Transplant Clinic in Bangalore | 10 Important Facts About Your Hair Transplants

Hair transplantation is a surgical technique that aids in the growth of new hair and prevents baldness. This procedure helps individuals suffering from hair loss, and helps them overcome the issue of baldness or thinning hair. There can be so many causes of hair loss, and one of the main causes of hair loss is hereditary factors. Other causes may include hormonal variations, scalp infections, hair pulling disorders, medications, and skin problems. The hair doctors at Charma Clinic , are experts in treating any type of hair fall or hair loss issues, and after diagnosis of the root cause and offer treatment that can help one to overcome the concern. The most advanced option they suggest is hair transplant in Bangalore , performed at their fully equipped clinic, Charma Clinic. Men mainly suffer from pattern baldness and thinning hair, but modern advancements in hair restoration treatments have allowed countless individuals to finally have the hair growth and coverage on the scalp they alw

What is Alopecia Hair Loss And Its Treatment

Alopecia is a medical hypernym for different types of hair loss or baldness. It is a common dermatologist concern that can affect the scalp alone or the entire body. It can be a temporary or permanent condition but is not contagious. Anyone can lose their hair irrespective of their gender, but it is a more familiar problem among men. Dr. Rajdeep Mysore, who is the chief dermatologist and dermatosurgeon at Charma Clinic, performs the best hair loss treatment in Bangalore and offers the most advanced treatment for alopecia and other hair loss issues. Alopecia can be caused by anything that disrupts the natural, healthy hair growth cycle. Some forms of alopecia are linked to heredity, age, race, lifestyle, environmental factors, or psychological conditions that lead to hair pulling.  There are various kinds of alopecia, some common ones include:  Alopecia Areata: It is an autoimmune disorder that is characterized by patchy hair loss usually on the scalp and sometimes on the eyebrows, eye