
Get Clear Skin With Acne Treatments

Acne is a common skin disorder characterized by the clogging of hair follicles with oil, dead skin cells, and germs, and can range from moderate to severe and is most usually observed on the face, chest, neck, and back. According to Dr. Rajdeep Mysore, best doctor for Acne Treatment in Bangalor e , ‘ Various factors, including genetics, hormones, stress, diet, and certain medications, can cause acne. While it is more common during adolescence, it can affect people of all ages’.  Treatment options for acne include over-the-counter topical creams and gels, prescription medications, and lifestyle changes. Acne can appear as whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, cysts, or nodules on the skin.  Whiteheads are blocked, clogged pores that appear as tiny, white lumps on the skin. Blackheads are open, blocked pores that appear as little, black lumps on the skin.  Pimples are raised red and inflammatory spots on the skin.  Cysts and nodules are more noticeable, with deeper regions that can be uncomfo

What are the Best Treatments for Acne Scars?

Acne is something that almost everyone faces at least once in their life. Most of the time, it goes away on its own. However, many times, it not only stays for a long time but also leaves scars behind. A face that was once beautiful, smooth, and clear, is now covered with acne scars that are hard to get rid of. When home remedies fail to show substantial results, one should consult a dermatologist. The doctor thoroughly checks a person's medical history, current treatments, and medications to suggest a suitable treatment.  Dr. Rajdeep Mysore, at Charma Clinic, who is an expert in providing advanced acne scar treatment in Bangalore , explains that acne or pimples usually occur among teenagers but they can also appear in middle-aged and old people. Acne starts showing up due to hormonal impacts on oil-producing glands called sebaceous. When the skin pores get blocked by dead skin cells and excess oil. Some acne may go deep and lead to acne scars after healing.  Types of Acne Scars  I

Advanced Dermatology Treatments for Hair Loss

Hair fall or hair loss is a very distressing issue that many people face worldwide. It is a common condition that causes pattern baldness, receding hairlines, or hair thinning if there is sudden or gradual hair loss above 50-100 hair strands daily. Although various factors can cause hair loss, the most common is androgenic alopecia, a hereditary factor affecting both men and women. Hormonal changes, scalp infections, hair-pulling disorders, certain medications, and skin problems are all possible causes. People going bald are self-conscious about their appearance and want to regain their natural-looking, thick, healthy hair.  Charma Clinic, a leading dermatology clinic offers the best hair loss treatment. Treatments like mesotherapy, growth factor and Hair Transplant in Bangalore are offered at the clinic that can help make a full head of hair possible. In this blog get to know more about hair transplant procedure, which is considered as the promising treatment for managing baldness. W

Ideal Time to Get a Hair Transplant: When Is It Too Late?

Hair restoration surgery is a major decision and requires a lot of thought. A hair transplant is the best solution for hair loss available in the market, creating a younger-looking appearance. However, only some individuals are suitable for the procedure. There are many reasons why a person might not be a good candidate for hair transplantation, and one of them might be being late for the procedure. A leading hair transplant surgeon considers several factors before recommending a hair transplant.  This blog by an expert hair specialist practicing at Charma Clinic in Bangalore will walk one through the best time to get a Hair Transplant in Bangalore and the signs that indicate one may be too late to undergo the procedure. Read on for more insights. What is the Best Age to Opt for a Hair Transplant?  The most suitable age to get a hair transplant is between 25-40. However, this is considered to be a rough estimate, as even teenagers are likely to experience hair loss. The condition of t