
Neck Acne: Causes & Prevention

Acne is the most common skin condition faced by individuals these days. Most people experience this at some point in their lives throughout their teenage period and even adulthood. Anyone who experiences facial acne can also experience acne on the neck. The neck is often the most neglected aspect of many people’s skincare routine. Like other forms of acne, a patient’s neck is not a cause for panic. Several effective prescriptions and over-the-counter medications help deal with these problems. In this blog, Dr. Rajdeep Mysore, one of the Best Skin Specialists in Bangalore , discusses the causes and prevention of neck acne. Read on for more insights. What Causes Neck Acne? Several factors could trigger a breakout in the neck. Acne develops as a result of clogged skin pores. The sebaceous gland produces Sebum in oil pores, also known as hair follicles. Sweat pores can not be seen. The pores on the back of the neck bring on the issue. Neck pimples develop due to clogged pores brought on by

Acne Treatment With Laser And Chemical Peel

  Acne is the most familiar skin concern mostly appearing on the face (particularly the forehead), upper back, chest, and shoulders. It is caused by blocking the skin pores or plugging of hair follicles by the excess sebum (natural skin oil), dirt, dead skin cells, and sometimes bacteria (like Propionibacterium acnes ). It can be of various kinds including non-inflammatory types like blackheads and whiteheads and inflammatory types like papules, pustules, nodules, and cysts. Usually, this skin condition affects teenagers and young adults who are subjected to hormonal fluctuations. If one is suffering from acne and wants to know more about the treatment options related to acne. Read the following information shared by the skin doctor and acne specialist in Bangalore at Charma Clinic regarding acne causes, treatment options like lasers and chemical peel, and how these treatments can make the skin look clear and acne free.   Those having acne are likely to find themselves in panic mode o

Laser Hair Removal - 8 Benefits and Procedure Discussed

Unwanted body hair not only makes skin look dull but also lowers one’s confidence and self esteem. However, the traditional method of hair removal like waxing and shaving are time taking and expensive. It is because of this that the demand for advanced methods of permanent hair removal is rising everyday. Looking at the demand and popularity, many dermatologists have started providing laser hair removal service. If someone is looking for a specialist for laser hair removal in Bangalore , they can visit Dr. Rajdeep Mysore at Charma Clinic.  Experts at Charma Clinic, Bangalore use the most advanced technology and equipment to make laser hair removal process easy and hassle free. To find more about the benefits and procedure of laser hair removal, scroll down!  What Is Laser Hair Removal?  Laser hair removal has now become a popular method for permanent body hair removal. The method uses laser light, where the light travels right through the skin to the hair follicle. It destroys the root

8 Surprising Facts About Acne

  Acne is a skin condition that affects more than 80% of people worldwide and is most noticeable in teenagers and adults. It usually happens as a result of physical changes that occur during adolescence. The main causes of acne are hormonal factors. Acne comes in a variety of forms, ranging from moderate to severe. Blackheads and whiteheads, which are regarded as non-inflammatory acne, are mild forms. Pink, generally small, and painful pimples that are moderate to severely inflamed are another type. Papules and pustules are in combination (swelling with pus at the top and a red base). To provide one with helpful information, Dr. Rajdeep Mysore, the Best Dermatologist in Bangalore at Charma Clinic, has shared some interesting facts about acne. Read on for more insights. Here are Some Acne Facts Shared by Expert Dermatologist 1. Stress Cells that produce oily substances like sebum contain receptors for stress hormones. Sebum is a harmful substance that combines with bacteria and dead sk

Follicular Unit Extraction: A Brief Introduction

Many people around the world suffer from distressing hair loss or hair fall concerns. Rapid or gradual hair loss is a frequent condition that causes pattern baldness, a receding hairline, or hair thinning (losing more than 50-100 hair strands daily). Although numerous factors can contribute to hair loss, androgenic alopecia, a hereditary condition that affects both men and women is among the most frequent. Hormonal imbalance, scalp infections, specific drugs, and skin issues are some additional potential causes. Individuals experiencing baldness feel self-conscious about their appearance and desire to regrow natural-looking, thick, beautiful hair. Dr. Rajdeep Mysore, at Charma Clinic offers the Best Hair Transplant in Bangalore and has helped many people get back a scalp full of hair. Read on for more insights shared by the expert dermatologist.  What is a Hair Transplant? Hair transplant is a surgical procedure in which hair follicles from healthy scalp regions are transplanted to ar